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The Basics of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient and holistic system of medicine that emphasizes the restoration of balance within the body, mind, and spirit to achieve optimal health. It views health as a dynamic equilibrium where physical, mental, and emotional aspects are interconnected. Disorders arise when there is an imbalance in the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), a disruption in the body's digestive fire (Agni), or the accumulation of toxins (ama). These imbalances disturb the natural harmony within the body and manifest as illness​​​​​​​​

The Five Elements

At the heart of Ayurveda lies the concept that health is sustained by the proper balance of the five fundamental elements—earth, water, fire, air, and ether—that make up all of creation, including the human body. These elements are the building blocks of the physical world and function in the body in unique ways, shaping our constitution. When one or more elements become disproportionate, either through lifestyle choices, diet, or external influences, this imbalance leads to the rise of one or more doshas. Ayurvedic treatment focuses on realigning this balance by addressing the root causes of imbalance, enhancing digestion (Agni), detoxifying the body, and restoring harmony between the mind and body to foster holistic wellbeing. 







Earth (Prithvi) represents stability and solidity. It is associated with structure, bones, muscles and tissue.

Fire (Agni) represents transformation and metabolism. It governs digestion and converting food to energy.

Water (Jala) represents fluidity and cohesion. It is linked to bodily fluids such as plasma and blood.





Air (Vayu) represents mobility and movement. It is associated with respiration, circulation and the nervous system.

Ether ( Akasha) represents space and expansiveness. It is the essence of all spaces and channels in the body.

The Doshas

In Ayurveda, the three doshas represent the energies that govern bodily functions and mental processes. Each individual has a unique combination of these doshas, known as their prakriti (natural constitution). Understanding your own dosha balance with my guidance can help you to understand the most suitable lifestyle and dietary choices to support your wellbeing.


  • Vata: Composed of air and ether, Vata governs movement and communication within the body. It controls the nervous system, circulation, and breathing. When in balance, Vata supports creativity, flexibility, and energy. 


  • Pitta: Made up of fire and water, Pitta is the dosha of transformation. It governs digestion, metabolism, and intellect. In balance, Pitta supports clarity, strength, and determination. 


  • Kapha: Comprised of earth and water, Kapha is the dosha of structure and lubrication. It governs the body's stability, immune system, and growth. 

What Can Ayurveda Help With?

Digestive Issues

Relief from conditions including IBS, constipation, bloating and cravings.

Skin Ailments

Managing eczema, psoriasis and other

skin issues.


Chronic Pain

Alleviating migraines, and muscle pain.



Women's Health

Balancing menstrual cycles and menopause.



Stress & Anxiety

Reducing stress, anxiety, and enhancing mental clarity.



Reducing inflammatory conditions.




Improving energy levels and vitality for life.




Cleansing and purifying the body of toxins.​​



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